Healing the Healers Retreat with guest teacher Rocio Alacron/Deposit


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Join us for this weekend of rejuvenation and celebration. Together we will cleanse, strengthen, and empower ourselves so we can go back to our families, our communities and be a force for good in our world!

What a great pleasure and honor to host Rocío, sister of the heart, here at Heartsong Farm! Powerful teacher, ethno-botanist, and skillful healer, Rocío Alarcón brings the indigenous wisdom of the Andes Mountains and the tropical rainforest of Ecuador. Rocío offers the gift of using simple but powerful rituals incorporating the healing power of the plants into our daily lives and for special healing ceremonies. All are welcome, and we especially invite the healers that have studied with Rocío before and have a longing to take their learning deeper. We will use the rituals and ceremonies to heal ourselves, each other, and bless and heal our earth.

This treasured weekend with Rocío takes place during the time the luscious apples will be hanging from the branches. Rocío has a strong healing connection with the apple trees and will lead us in using the trees and apples as part of our healing practices.

An Ethno-pharmacologist, Ethno-botanist, shamanic practitioner, and extraordinary teacher and healer, Rocío has spent over 30 years working with ethnic groups in the tropical rain forest and Andes Mountains of Ecuador and in the Basque Country, Spain. She has contributed to various Amazonian and Andes indigenous communities and has collaborated with international organizations including the Wildlife Conservation Society, Care and The Nature Conservancy establishing economic opportunities for local people with products from the forest. Rocío is renowned and beloved worldwide for her caring, loving and passionate approach to people, plants and nature. Retreat cost $395, includes meals, rustic camping, and materials.