Radiant women at every age!

  Retreat Weekends

We are blessed to have good friends and amazing teachers come to the farm and co-teach with us. Join us!  

Check out exciting line up of classes for 2024!

Heartsong Farm retreats are designed to inspire, nurture, and replenish you. Come connect with kindred spirits and your own natural rhythms through yoga, Ayurveda, healthy and delicious meals, meditation, song, herb walks and the chance to absorb the teachings of our wise mentors. The heart of the retreats is to explore and incorporate practices into our lives to nourish, love, and heal ourselves so we are more able to nurture, heal, and be of service to others. Nancy and Gracie, along with our guest teachers, look forward to having you join us!

“Thank you for bringing such a beautiful group of life affirming sisters together this weekend for the deep sharing and learning.  I am still processing the total mind-body- heart and soul experience.  Wow!  It’s lifted me to a new and unexpected level!  I so appreciate you for making it happen!  Your farm and family were a big part of that experience and hold a special place in my heart as I felt embraced by all of you and by the land itself!  It is apparent to me that the land is happy to have all of you as its stewards for 30 years!  The food was delicious and so nutritious and well prepared!  I will be back next year and hope my daughter will be with me. Holding you in my grateful heart.”
~Katie Pickens 

“Andrea is a wise soul and highy skilled practitioner who has made a huge impact in my life and she is bound to positively impact you too!” – Nancy

Every body belongs here!

Summer Solstice Celebration: 

Kindle Your Agni and the Power of Transformation 

Yoga & Herbal Retreat with Andrea Thibaudeau and Nancy Phillips
Date: June 22, 2024
Sold Out!

Revel in the beauty of summer here at Heartsong Farm surrounded by the blossoming of herbs and flowers. Sit by the babbling brook and stroll in the herb gardens. Stretch and strengthen your body, soothe your mind, and lift your spirits with asana, pranayama, and meditation.  Enjoy delicious seasonal summer meal that will delight and nourish body and soul.

The Summer Solstice is all about fire, light, expansion, transformation and good digestion too! Awaken aspects of yourself that are ready to be kindled and ignited.  Andrea and Nancy will lead you in activities that help you harness the energy of summer to nourish and align with all that is unique and whole within you.  Give yourself this gift of time to deeply connect with your true nature as well as with Earth and Spirit, remembering who you are at your core.

Nancy looks forward to sharing practices that help you connect with the earth as she takes you into the herb gardens and woodlands. She loves bringing simple ceremony into the weekend and peppering the teachings with yogic philosophy.  We will also be focusing on improving digestion with herbs and simple Ayurveda practices that support us.

We are honored to have Andrea team up with Nancy for this special guest teacher class in our Ancient Wisdom for Modern Times 8 month herbal course. She is Nancy’s Yoga Teacher Trainer, friend, and mentor. Andrea is highly skilled at adapting her practices for people of all levels of yoga.  She incorporates yoga, meditation, self-reflection, and empowering practices, that bring individuals back to their innate wholeness and worthiness. She helps people recognize their gifts and activate their personal power to embody confidence in their value, purpose, and unique Soul expression.

Class Times: Saturday 10:00am-5:00pm  (arrive 9:30-9:45 for a cup of tea and check in)  

Cost $125 includes teachings, materials and a nourishing, delightful lunch.

To Register: click the link below to send in your nonrefundable payment via Card, Check, or PayPal.
Email: HeartsongFarmWellness@gmail.com with any questions.


About Andrea

Andrea Thibaudeau is a passionate, ERYT500 certified Yoga Teacher with over 23 years of full-time experience. She has been a Vermont Yoga studio owner since 2008, and a certified Ayurveda/Health/Life Coach since 2012. She also is the founder/director of Heart Space Healing Collective in St. Johnsbury, Vermont. This Collective is an expanding team of 14 qualified and caring holistic health professionals dedicated to providing equitable wellness opportunities to all in the region. https://heartspaceyogacenter.com/classes/

Join Andrea and Nancy for this nourishing and empowering Retreat

“Few contemporary herbalists explore energetic herbalism, plant stewardship, and the spiritual relationship between plants and humans with such depth and insight.”    ~ Rosemary Gladstar

Medicine of the Seasons:

Energetic Herbalism and Deep Relations with Nature  with Kat Maier
Dates: June 29th and 30th, 2024

A beloved international teacher, we are thrilled to have Kat teach here at Heartsong Farm. Rosemary’s insightful quote  below concerning Kat Maier and her recent book, Energetic Herbalism, are right on. Kat is deep, passionate, and has a brilliant scientific mind. Her teachings help us understand the complexities of the herbs we work with, allowing us to find the right plants for the right situation, as well as how to live in harmony with the seasons and cycles of life.

Too often people just use herbs to treat symptoms. Kat will help us delve deeper into our understanding of health and the multi-facets of herbs and how best to treat the root of an imbalance and improve overall health depending on the individual person. We will work with the exquisite model that Five Element Theory gives us of working with the Medicine of the Seasons. We will experientially sit with each or the five elements, look at how each season, corresponding organ system and foods of that time nourish and deepen our health. This naturally teaches us about relationship to Nature & Our Nature, as they are one and the same.

Energetics in herbalism relates the energetics of the plant (warming, cooling, moving, sedating) to a current imbalance or condition (tension, stagnation, dryness), then lastly to the energetics of the person or constitution (sensitive, dry). The underlying foundation is the energetics of the spirit of the plant and the sacred relationship an herbalist develops with the land and the plants.”

~ Kat Maier from her book Energetic Herbalism: A guide to Sacred Plant Traditions Integrating Vitalism, Ayurveda and Chinese Medicine.

Join us at peaceful Heartsong Farm where you can not only learn from Kat, but deepen your connection to the earth and the seasonal rhythms and to meet the amazing healing plants she will be speaking about. Register now for a weekend of learning and rejuvenation with other plant lovers.

Class Times: Saturday 10:00am-5:00pm. Sunday 9:00am-3:00pm 

Cost $295 includes teachings, materials and a nourishing, delightful lunch on both days. Register online by clicking below (check, card, or PayPal payment options available). Spaces are limited, sign up soon! 

Deposit: $150  If you are unable to pay in full right now, send a non-refundable check. Final balance due by the end of May. Make out checks to: Heartsong Farm.  Mail Checks to: Heartsong Farm, 859 Lost Nation Road, Northumberland, NH 03582.
Email us at HeartsongFarmWellness@gmail.com to confirm your registration.

Accommodations: Rustic camping included in price (drinking water & outhouses available), limited space in Yurt & Cidery Barn. Reccomendations of local BnBs & hotels will be shared. 

Saturday Dinner: Optional dinner meal Sat. from 5:30-6:30, additional cost of $15 (must confirm dinner spot in advance of weekend) 


About Kat Maier

Kat Maier RH, (AHG) is the founder and director of Sacred Plant Traditions, a center for herbal studies in Charlottesville, Virginia. One of her greatest accomplishments has been to train many clinical herbalists who have gone onto to begin other schools, apothecaries or open practices. In clinical practice for over 30 years, Kat teaches internationally at universities, conferences, and herbal schools. She is a founding member of Botanica Mobile Clinic, a nonprofit dedicated to providing accessible herbal medicine to local communities. This grew out of her school’s free clinic which was one of the first on the east coast and went on to be a template for other schools. She began her study of plants as a Peace Corps volunteer, and her training as a Physician’s Assistant allows her to weave the language of biomedicine into her practice of traditional energetic herbalism.  As a passionate steward of the plants, Kat also served as president of United Plant Savers and was the recipient of the organization’s first Medicinal Plant Conservation Award.

Join Kat for this powerful weekend retreat to deepen your connection to Nature. 

Photo of a bee on Elecampange

Nourishing Our Nervous Systems

with Rosemary Gladstar July 27th

 Sold Out! 

What a joy and honor to host renowned herbalist Rosemary Gladstar here at Heartsong Farm. Join us, and our Ancient Wisdom for Modern Times 8 month herbal group, for a special day of herbal learning in the Heartsong gardens. 

Learn to build health and vitality for the nervous system. Explore health practices and herbs to heal the nervous system, reduce anxiety, increase our focus and energy, and support good sleep. In our busy world it is easy to push ourselves too far, to overtax our nervous systems, and to live in a constant state of exhaustion, stress, and overwhelm. Bringing simple practices and common herbs into your life in a bigger way can do so much to sooth and support this complex and vital system. 

You will create a medicinal herbal preparation to take home with you, enjoy a special herbal lunch cooked by Nancy and Gracie, and learn from guest teacher Rosemary as she shares her favorite nervines, adaptogens, and herbal stories.

Class Times: Class begins 10:00am and ends at 5:00pm  

Cost $125 includes teachings and notes, a nourishing and delightful herbal lunch, your herbal product to take home with you, and guest teacher lecture and herb walk with Rosemary. All payments nonrefundable.  Spaces are limited, sign up soon! 

 To Registerclick the link below to send in payment via Card, Check, or PayPal. 
Email: HeartsongFarmWellness@gmail.com with any questions. 

If sending Check, make it out to: Heartsong Farm. Mail to: 859 Northumberland NH, 03582. Email us when your check is in the mail. 

Accommodations: Rustic camping Saturday night included in price (drinking water & outhouses available), limited space in Yurt & Cidery Barn. Reccomendations of local BnBs & hotels will be shared. 

Join Rosemary to build health and vitality for the nervous system. 

About Rosemary

Rosemary Gladstar is, literally, a star figure in the field of modern herbalism, internationally renowned for her technical knowledge and stewardship in the global herbalist community. She has been learning, teaching and writing about herbs for over 50 years and is the author of twelve books.

Her work includes Medicinal Herbs: A Beginners Guide, Herbal Healing for Women, Rosemary Gladstar’s Herbal Recipes for Vibrant Health, and The Science and Art of Herbalism, an extensive in-depth home study course. She is the Founding President of United Plant Savers and founder and past director of the International Herb Symposium.  (Just to name a few of her amazing accomplishments.) Rosemary will be joining us and sharing her knowledge, wisdom and big heart.

Photo of a bee on Elecampange

Deepening Our Connection to the Plants:

A Healing Retreat of Ceremony & Plant Communication

with Amy Goodman-Keifer and Nancy Phillips
July 20-21, 2024  

Traditionally, people have always been able to listen and learn from the plants. We are all wired to do so. Yet, in our modern society, these innate gifts are often suppressed; we are encouraged to live more in our minds than our hearts.

Join us for this empowering retreat and remember your birthright!

We’ll participate in heart opening practices that strengthen our relationship to the plants, the earth, and our own inner wisdom. Be still, go deep, and gain insights and guidance from the plants.

Amy and Nancy will lead you in hands-on activities, share their personal experiences, weave in modern science, and encourage you to use your own senses and inner knowing to make deep connections.

Heartsong Farm is a peaceful, nourishing place to explore your inner and outer landscape. Nancy will guide you to favorite spots in the orchard, herb gardens, and woods. She’ll also weave in heart-opening movement, guided meditations, and ceremony to the weekend.

Nancy is honored to team up with one of her heartstrings, Amy, a wise and seasoned herbalist. Amy is the cofounder of White Dove Herbal Sanctuary and has been sharing plant wisdom and teaching people of all ages for over 20 years. This deep work with the plants is one of Amy’s favorite forms of medicine.  She is a stellar human with a big heart and a remarkable ability to connect deeply with plants and people. Plus, she is a lot of fun! Join us.

Class Times: Saturday 10:00am-5:00pm. Sunday 9:00am-3:00pm 

Cost $295 includes teachings, materials and a nourishing, delightful lunch on both days. Register online by clicking below (check, card, or PayPal payment options available). Spaces are limited, sign up soon! 

Deposit: $150   If you are unable to pay in full right now, send a non-refundable check. Final balance due by mid April. Make out checks to: Heartsong Farm.  Mail Checks to: Heartsong Farm, 859 Lost Nation Road, Northumberland, NH 03582.
Email us at HeartsongFarmWellness@gmail.com to confirm your registration.

Accommodations: Rustic camping included in price (drinking water & outhouses available), limited space in Yurt & Cidery Barn. Reccomendations of local BnBs & hotels will be shared. 

Saturday Dinner: Optional dinner meal Sat. from 5:30-6:30, additional cost of $15 (must confirm dinner spot in advance of weekend) 


About Amy

Amy Goodman Kiefer is a Community Herbalist, an avid grower, medicine maker, practitioner and an herbal teacher.  All her work is informed by a passion for plants and people. Over the years one of her main devotions has become communing with the spirit of the plants and trees.  The past 20 years have brought her the opportunity to work with many groups and individuals, accompanying them into deeper relationships with the green world. She stewards the White Dove Herbal Sanctuary in Central Vt. with her husband Joseph, where their gardens are planted, worked and harvested with awareness of the spirit of the plants in the center of their work.


Join Amy and Nancy for the Deepening Our Connection to the Plants Retreat